Digital vs Analog Scales: How Do They Weigh Up? (11 Differences)

Digital vs Analog Scales: How Do They Weigh Up? (11 Differences)

Choosing between a digital scale vs. an analog scale can be a difficult decision. Scales are used to measure the weight of an object, person, or animal. We’re here to help you decide on the best scale for your needs.

Mechanical and digital scales are also known as mass scalesweight scales, and weight balances. Today we’ll look at the different types of scales, what they are best suited for, and which weighing scale is more accurate between mechanical vs digital scales.

Digital Scales vs Analog Scales

The most significant difference between analog scales vs digital scales is the technology used. Analog scales work on a spring mechanism, while digital scales work on digital sensors.

In considering a digital weight scale vs manual, digital scales have the most accurate measurement instruments, and they are by far the most popular in the industry. This is due to the use of modern technology.

However, analog weighing scales are more sturdy and endure longer than digital scales regarding durability and longevity. Sensors in digital scales wear down and become unresponsive over time.

Dial scales are a type of non-digital scale that provides a weight reading by the movement of a dial. The more weight placed on the scale platform, the lower the platform is pushed down, which moves the dial farther. The dial will then point to a number on the scale representing the weight of the object or person.

Digital vs Mechanical Scales: How do they differ?

  • Digital Scales: These are high-quality scales that typically give the most accurate weight reading/s out of the three types.
  • Analog Scales: The analog scale is a conventional model that calculates and reflects the force applied to load cells using a spring mechanism.
  • Dial Scales: Calculates weight mechanically with springs, and the weight is then displayed with a dial.

To best answer the question of which scale is best between analog scale vs digital, we’ll analyze each type of scale in various categories, such as accuracy, longevity, and pricing, relying on research and facts to support our findings.

However, the solution may not be as straightforward as you think, as each type of scale has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. First, let’s look at which weighing scale is most accurate, digital or analog.


Regarding whether analog or digital scales are more accurate, it’s important to remember that digital scales technology is far more advanced. Arguably, the pressure springs in a non-electronic weight scale offer more consistency than electronics.

According to a study conducted in 2013 on analog vs digital bathroom scales, most errors made in self-reported weights are more likely due to human error than scale inaccuracies.

Are Analog Scales Accurate?

Are non-digital scales more accurate? Whether or not analog scales are more accurate than digital scales is actually a common question among buyers. In terms of measuring your weight in real-time, analog scales, otherwise known as non-electronic weight scales, are reliable.

However, the needle moves as weight is placed on the scale. The more the movement, the more the results may waver. In other words, the accuracy of the scale is determined by the user’s ability to remain steady while on top of it.

What’s More Accurate, Digital Or Dial Scale?

The biggest difference between a digital scale vs dial scale is that a digital scale resets itself back to 0. The ability to reset a scale to zero is critical when utilizing one. At the bottom of the dial scale is a knob where you can manually adjust it to zero.


The number of decimal places that a bathroom scale can display is referred to as precision. This factor determines the effectiveness with which correctness is communicated. When it comes to precision, digital bathroom scales have the upper hand by providing more accurate readings and values than analog weighing machines.


Analog scales can easily measure weights ranging from 100kg to 120 kg, depending on the model. In comparison, digital weighing machines’ standard storage capacity of 150 kg makes them an obvious winner.


When it comes to the longevity and durability of digital or analog weight scales, analog scales are more sturdy and endure longer than digital scales. Sensors in digital scales wear down and get insensitive over time. The ability to adjust analog scales is the most obvious reason why they last longer.


Because of the spring mechanism included inside the machine, analog scales are slightly heavier than digital scales. The digital weighing scales are particularly portable because they are light and sleek.

The digital weighing scale has become more popular among those who want to have a weight measuring instrument at home due to its portability. Furthermore, a digital weighing scale lasts a long time, but an analog scale’s spring wears out quickly.


A digital scale converts the force of the weight on it into an electrical signal using a power supply. On a tiny screen, the weight is presented in digits. When weight is placed on an analog scale, a spring inside it is calibrated to move a dial or needle. To signify the weight, the needle advances to a number or a line between numbers.


The reading dial on an analog scale wobbles with a minor change in weight, making it difficult to see the dial. As a result, reading weight measures might be challenging. In comparison, a digital scale has a display built right into the equipment, which provides easier reading.

Maintenance and Calibration

To calibrate an analog scale, you can simply turn the calibration dial until the measuring line aligns with 0. Whereas a digital scale generally comes with auto-calibrations. As soon as the scale is switched on, it automatically sets itself to 0.

Features and Functionality

Analog scales often don’t have any additional features beyond simple weight measuring, whereas digital scales have a few of them.

Many higher-end models offer memory storage where you can store information to be recalled later if you’re collecting measurements of food or objects.

Many digital scales also provide Body Mass Index and several body composition metrics to assist where you are in terms of physical fitness, even if your scale is primarily for measuring your personal weight.


The analog weighing machine is a conventional model that calculates and reflects the force applied to load cells using a spring mechanism. The digital scale is an electric or battery-powered model that runs on electricity or batteries which often need replacing.


When comparing analog scales vs digital scales, both have a fairly wide price range, with analog scales generally on the lower end. The higher price tag on a digital scale is because they have a lot more features, operate electronically, and require batteries that often need to be replaced.

Pros and Cons of Digital Scales

In looking at manual scales vs digital scales, digital scales have proven to be the most accurate. Before making a decision on which scale to purchase, let’s have a look at the pros and cons of a digital scale.

Pros of Digital Scales:

  • Contains onboard electronic intelligence for more accurate results.
  • Built-in auto-calibration.
  • Easy to read digital numbers on a screen.

Cons of Digital Scales:

  • Require frequent changing of batteries.
  • More expensive than analog scales.
  • Results can be inconsistent.

Pros and Cons of Analog Scales

Analog scales have improved tremendously over the years and remain to be a popular choice as they are a quick and simple way to get a weight reading. Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of an analog scale.

Pros of Analog Scales:

  • Easy to use and maintain.
  • Require no batteries to replace.
  • Long-lasting and durable.

Cons of Analog Scales

  • Readings are sometimes inaccurate.
  • Need constant calibration by turning a dial.
  • Can be difficult to read decimal places.

Browse Digital and Analog Weighing Scales from Escali

We hope we’ve answered the question of whether electronic scales are more accurate than mechanical scales. But remember, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to deciding between analog vs digital weighing scales.

The process of choosing the right scale is entirely up to you. Digital scales are, for the most part, the more accurate and useful option. Go digital if you want precise precision, an easy-to-read screen, and maybe a few extra measuring options in a scale.

Analog scales, on the other hand, are often less expensive and last longer (compared to equally-basic digital scales, not higher-end ones that can be calibrated). Analog is the way to go if you want a scale that is mostly accurate, economical, and will last for the next 20 years.

So, are analog or digital scales more accurate? If you’re undecided, we recommend writing down exactly what you’re looking for in a scale and then selecting a style based on those specifications.

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